One Small Step at a Time

I’m tired of the clutter.

I started minimizing my things in order to know where my stuff was. I’d lose things and have to search and even have to give up looking. Then I wanted my things to be accessible. For example, I’d take my necklace off and have to find space to put it so the chain doesn’t tangle up. Finally, I found a spot to hang it each night so I can easily put it on and not have to worry about untangling knots.

Reasons I want to minimize:
1. Finding my belongings
2. Knowing where each item goes
3. Easy to clean space
4. Peace of mind
5. Owning enough not excess

I am taking on this process of decluttering and organizing slowly. I want to ease into this and think about all the items I own. I do not want to waste anything or trash things that are in good condition. Part of decluttering will be to use up products that I have instead of getting rid of it just so it’ll be out of my life. I am taking small steps to accomplish this goal.


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